DMT Freebase
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is the prototypical indolethylamine hallucinogen. The history of human experience with DMT probably goes back several hundred years since DMT usage is associated with a number of religious practices and rituals.
As a naturally occurring substance in many species of plants, DMT is present in a number of South American snuffs and brewed concoctions, like Ayahuasca.
In addition, DMT can be produced synthetically. The original synthesis was conducted by a British chemist, Richard Manske, in 1931.
***If you want Synthetic DMT please look at our Synthetic DMT listing!
Our DMT is extracted from mimosa hostilis or acacia confusa inner root bark from Brazil.
DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a strong psychedelic drug, meaning it can affect all of the senses, altering a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions.
Psychedelics can cause a person to hallucinate, seeing or hearing things that do not exist or are distorted.
DMT is structurally similar to psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and is known to produce short acting, but very intense visual hallucinations.
Impact of mood and environment
Drugs that affect a person’s mental state (psychoactive drugs) can also have varied effects depending on a person’s mood (often called the ‘set’) or the environment they are in ( often called the ‘setting’ )
Set: a person’s state of mind, previous encounters with psychedelic drugs, and expectations of what’s going to happen.
For example, feelings of stress or anxiety before using DMT may result in an unpleasant experience (bad trip).
Setting: the environment in which someone consumes a psychedelic drug – whether it’s known and familiar, who they’re with, if they’re indoors or outdoors, the type of music and light.
For example, using DMT in a calm, quiet and relaxed environment can lead to, or contribute to, a pleasant experience but being in a noisy, crowded place may result in a negative experience.
Being in a good state of mind, with trusted friends and a safe environment before taking DMT reduces the risk of having a ‘bad’ trip.
Types of plant based DMT We Offer :
Yellow DMT :
Yellow DMT is a simple extraction from mimosa hosilis inner root bark and is the most common type of DMT seen by the psychedelic community.
Yellow DMT still contains some of the Fats, Lipids, and other alkaloids like NMT that the plant matter contains. NMT is a naturally occurring alkaloid in plants and the human body.
These elements combined are what most people consider DMT, but yellow DMT is only about 60-70% purity. Meaning that 60-70% of the product is DMT and the rest is a mixture of the substances listed above mainly NMT.
Yellow DMT will still cause a break through (out of body experiences) with doses of 50mg+ for most individuals.
White DMT :
White DMT is refined yellow DMT. The yellow DMT is recrystallized until it turns to a creamy or white color. This process removes any unwanted fats, lipids, and other alkaloids leaving behind a much cleaner DMT.
Some psychnauts prefer white DMT for the cleaner experience. White DMT is known to have less of a body load when coming down or back into your body from a trip.
White DMT has a higher price tag due to the fact we loose 50% of the yield when extracting for creamy or white DMT.
DMT Freebase Instructions Yellow/White :
3 Fundamentals to Breakthrough (BT)
1. Measure each dose.
2. Do your dose Clean.
3. Complete your dose within 30 secs.
What’s a “Breakthru”?: On doses typically higher than 0.030 grams (30 milligrams) a psychonaut may experience truly unique “out of body” hallucinations, no matter if your eyes are open or closed.
10-20 milligrams = Body High/Euphoria
20-50 milligrams = Weak to Strong Visuals, possible Breakthru
50+ milligrams = Breakthru … You are now a credentialed Psychonaut!
1. Measure each dose!
Have you found your BT dose yet? Make sure you use a proper milligram scale to weigh out each of your doses so that you can track the effects and know what to expect for next time.
2. Do your dose Clean!
In order to establish a baseline reaction to an particular dose it must be taken clean. Meaning, without any other psychedelics in your system, and preferably off all medications, especially SSRIs and other depression and anxiety prescriptions (done at your own risk).
Generally, you are clean when:
• For recreational use of psychedelics, wait 24 to 96 hours to be clean.
• For tolerance of psychedelics, wait two weeks.
• For prescription medications, wait approximately 30 days.
3. Complete your dose!
Your entire dose should be done within 30 seconds with your effective inhalation technique of inhaling deeply and naturally, holding each hit in no more than 3 secs, exhale all the way, repeat. This is called “Stacking” or “Stacking your hits”
Your dose is complete when you are no longer exhaling smoke from your hits.
DO NOT hold each of your hits in for 30 secs!
DO complete your entire measured dose within 30 seconds.
After your session, always check your vaporizing tool to see how much product you have left-over to account for what your dose was and make future adjustments as needed.
In short,Complete your Measured dose in under 30 seconds while clean to establish a baseline reaction or experience.
How To Easily Smoke DMT :
DMT sandwich method
A commonly recommended way to smoke DMT is the Sandwich Method.
The sandwich method is when you mix your DMT with another substance and smoke it.
Mixing DMT and weed is the best and most popular way to sandwich your DMT in a bowl.
Loosely pack your bowl with a layer of ground weed Sprinkle and coat that layer with your DMT, then loosely pack a little more weed, covering the top.
Ignite the weed with a lighter or match Inhale steadily for as long as you can until the vapor feels harsh on your lungs.
Hold in the DMT vapor for at least 3-5 seconds.
Exhale, take a deep breath, and repeat one or two more times and you will surely blast off.
You won’t have to hold the flame to the bowl as long for the second and third hit because the weed will catch fire and will ignite the DMT within.
Avoid temptations to take a massive first inhale.
Instead, take it slow and easy to get the embers going to avoid loss of DMT through combustion.
Vaping DMT
(Not a Vape Pen, Vape using a Puffco or similar dab device for cannabis)
DMT and cannabis wax have very similar melting points, so dab rigs work perfect.
Vaping is the second most common method used with DMT due to vape rig accessibility. Sandwhiching is the most common method amongst travelers.
Vaped doses of DMT range from 10-60 mg.
Sandwiching can take about 10% – 20% more to reach the same effects as vaping 12-75 mg. This is due to some of the DMT burning off due to combustion from the lighter.
The doses listed below are for vaping, for any other method add 10% – 20% more to get the desired affects.
If you’re just beginning to try hallucinogens, or you know you want a very light dose, start small with a dose of 10 mg.
If you want to experience more visuals and mind alterations, increase your DMT dosage to at least15-20 mg.
At 20 mg, many are likely to begin hallucinating, and this amount may take you to a new geometric reality.
A 25-30 mg dose of DMT is where breaking through begins to happen. This would be considered a moderate dose.
If you want to ensure you get the full range of effectsDMT has to offer, consider a strong dose of 40 mg or higher.
Use a 20 -65 mg dose or 10% – 20% more than a vape dose if you are using any methods of smoking DMT such as sandwiching, mixing with tobacco, or a hot knife to ensure break through experiences.
Tolerance :
.25 is roughly 250mg for reference.
With sandwiching at most it will take 60mg or .06g for a complete breakthrough dose.
I would start off small .02 – .03 just to see what it does for you. It just takes practice holding in each hit for roughly 3-5 seconds and trying to get at least 2-3 hits within 30 seconds. The 3rd hit will take you out of body if done correctly upon exhaling with a dose of .05 – .06 for sandwiching.
Your body gains a tolerance to DMT very fast so you have to smoke all that you plan to use each session within 30 seconds, after that once you come down. You can not smoke it again right away it won’t do anything, even if you just had an amazing out of body experience, you have to wait 90 minutes in between each session.
If you have any preexisting psychological issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar, or any other mental illnesses. We advise that you do not use this product at all!
This Product Only Contains DMT.
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