
Pulse Psilocybin Capsules

$60.00 $40.00

Pulse Psilocybin Capsules


Pulse psilocybin capsules are vegan friendly. Hand crafted and carefully made for easier digestion of higher doses of psilocybin mushrooms.



100% natural premium-grown psilocybin mushrooms are used within every capsule and they are carefully made with no additives or preservatives.



Coming in packs of 20 capsules each!


Available in :

20x – 100mg capsules

20x – 400mg capsules

20x – 500mg capsules


No more yucky shroom taste, in your mouth!



100mg Capsules

Dosage Guide :

Start your journey to heal the mind and soul! These microdosing capsules are made with the highest quality magic mushrooms and are individually dosed for a consistent microdosing rhythm.


At smaller doses (microdose = 0.1g or 100mg – 0.5g or 500mg), you can expect to feel elevated in mood and have an increase in clarity. You will not “trip” or get “high” at these doses. Many studies say microdosing can help with PTSD, depression, anxiety and addiction.


A microdose should feel very “light.” You should be able to go about your daily tasks and possibly do them better, with more clarity when properly microdosing.


Suggested protocols


First Time Microdosers:

We suggest the Fadiman microdosing protocol:

Day 1: Dose Day – Take 1 -3 capsules in the morning. Set an intention for why you microdose. Clarity, happiness, creativity, reduce anxiety, etc.


Day 2: Day Off – Let the body digest the remaining magic. Take notes on what you think about and how you feel.


Day 3: Day Off – Sober day. Allow you mind and body a Tolerance Break. Take notes on what you think about and how you feel.


Day 4: Repeat days 1 – 3 and continue protocol for 30-90 days or as long as needed.


****Individuals over 225lbs can usually start off with a dose for an experienced microdoser, listed below, but we still advise to use caution every individual is different.

****Please note it’s always recommended to start with just one capsule or piece for your first time.


Experienced Microdosers:

We suggest microdosing every other day:

Day 1: Dose Day – Take 2-5 capsules in the morning. Set an intention for why you microdose. Clarity, happiness, creativity, reduce anxiety, etc.


Day 2: Day Off – Let the body digest the remaining magic. Take notes on what you think about and how you feel.


Day 3: Repeat Days 1 – 2 and continue protocol for 30-90 days or as long as needed.


This product only contains Psilocybin. 

**** For Experienced and Non-Experienced Microdosers it is recommended to keep a daily journal not only while microdosing but also on your days off. This will help you to gauge whether or not the medicine is working for you and will also help aid you in finding the perfect dose.

****We also recommend that you keep your daily routine in balance: sleep, eating, meditation, etc…

These Capsules : 

Are customizable and easy-to-regulate dosage!

Only contains dried psilocybin mushrooms! 

Comes with 20 Capsules in each pack! 

Non-GMO, preservative-free, Kosher & Halal certified, gluten-free natural gelatin vegan capsules! 

Please Be Advised

Macrodosing with magic mushrooms can result in strong perceptual changes, including alterations in thought patterns, perception of time, and intense emotions. It is typically used for therapeutic and spiritual purposes, as well as for recreational use.

However, it is important to note that macrodosing can also have adverse effects and should only be done under the supervision of a trip sitter or a qualified healthcare professional.

If taking a macrodose, conversely, don’t expect that you will be able to work or have a conversation with others as you normally would as if on a microdose.


Of course, a threshold or light dose of a psychedelics may mean you can do everyday activities, without anyone even noticing you were tripping.

However, the higher you dose, the more likely it is that you will want to just focus on the psychedelic effects.


Always start lower if you’re new to taking shrooms, but you can also follow our general dosing chart below for an idea of how much you should take:



400mg + 500mg capsules :

Dosage Guides :

0.4 g – 1.6 g = Light dose – recreational

2 g – 3 g = Moderate dose – recreational – some open eyes and closed eye visuals, very euphoric

4 g – 5 g = Strong dose – bordering on a spiritual dose, open and closed eye visuals, euphoria, slight religious experience

6 g – 10 g = Heroic or Spiritual dose – intense visuals and euphoria, high doses like this are where people usually experience an altered sense of self or even ego death

The subjective effects of macrodosing are more significant and impactful compared to those from microdosing.


Visual Effects

Color enhancement 

Depth perception distortions

Objects morphing

Color shifting


Geometric hallucinations



Auditory Effect





Cognitive Effects



Increased music appreciation

Increased sense of humor

Thought acceleration

Time distortion


Emotional Effects










Mystical Effects

Ego death

Transcendence of time and space

A sense of the holy or divine

Feelings interconnectedness



Physical Effects

Pupil dilation

Excessive yawning

Increased heart rate


A pleasurable tingling sensation

Physical euphoria


Perception of bodily heaviness

Motor control loss


This product only contains Psilocybin.


**** For anyone Macrodosing it is recommended to keep a daily journal not only while macrodosing but also on your days off. This will help you to gauge whether or not the medicine is working for you and will also help aid you in finding the perfect dose.




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